SQL is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases.SQL is used to communicate with a database.SQL is an easy-to-learn language specifically designed to work with databases.The biggest decision while you choosing a database to which one to select Relational Database you have to select or Non-Relational Database you have to select.Which the database are more capable of becoming actual or useful. Users or Developer must keep in mind while choosing Database.
Key Highlights - SQL- RDBMS (Relational Database Management System)
- SQL Database contains predefined schema/fixed schema/static schema
- Its not compatible for Tree (Hierarchical) based Data Storage.
- SQL is more suitable for Complex queries.
- SQL is vertically Scable (Which means that you can increase the load on a single server by increasing components like RAM, SSD, or CPU)
- This Database follows the ACID Property (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability.)
- Non-Relational or Distributed Database System (Distributed SQL database is a single relational database which replicates data across multiple servers)
- Dynamic Schema (Built to store data Without a predefined schema) - This makes it easy to make significant application changes in real-time.
- NoSQL is compatible for Tree(Hierarchical) Based Data Storage.
- NoSQL is not suitable for Complex queries.
- NoSQL is Horizontally Scable (This approach involves adding more instances/nodes of the database to deal with increased workload)
- NoSQL Follows CAP Property (Consistency, Availability And Partition Tolerance)
Choosing a Database is tough Call but its based on the project or Data's or Queries. Because both Database have their Advantages as well as Disadvantages. SQL also best for fast analytical queries.SQL Database are long-established with a fixed schema design or structure. They are perfect for applications that demand multi-row transcations like accounting systems or legency systems that are developed for a relational structure. NoSQL databases provide much more flexibility and scalability, which lends itself to rapid development and iteration.
NoSQL doesn't have a rigid schema they are quite flexible, Simple to use and most important easily scable. Applications Like CMS, Real-Time Analytics and Big- Data Applications.